
Links I Love

The New York Times “The Stories That Bind Us” by Bruce Feiler—YES, YES, YES. I have always loved family stories. Several years ago my mom was sorting through family photos. To help with the labeling process, she dug up all her old wall calendars. I was enthralled with them. For the most part, they were filled with minutia—doctor’s appointments and T-ball games—but I loved reading what my parents did with my sister, brother and I on a Tuesday in March when we were all young and they were my age. I never grow tired of my grandparents’ stories and their parents’ stories. Stories about my dad’s mom at Miami University during a time when many women didn’t go to college. Stories about my mom’s mom roller skating and falling in love with my grandpa in Millersburg, Ohio. Stories about both my grandmothers making meals for lunches that I would consider elaborate Sunday dinners. Stories about my parents, and how they got engaged on the way to a Reds game and how they found out they were pregnant with me by calling the doctor from a pay phone outside a donut shop and how they traveled to Europe when I was in my mom’s belly. I love them. I love them all. And I wish I knew more of them.

• A Georgian diamond floral tiara. Just because.

• We had this for lunch today. It was good.

• A really cool make-your-own-from-your-kid’s-artwork duvet.

• A story about Gabriele Galimberti’s project “Toy Stories” here. My brother sent me the link. It reminded me of this article about James Mollison’s book, Where Children Sleep.

• DIY party blowers.

• Painted Bird Shoes. I’ve long loved them. My in-laws gave me my first pair this Christmas. I was so eager upon opening them that I was, yes, wearing crocheted shoes in snow.

2,000 Suspended Dandelions by Regine Ramseier.

• Check out this cute (and free!) Map of the Moon printable poster.

• Love this moment between Billy Joel and a fan.

“Most of the dandelions had changed from suns into moons.” —Vladimir Nabokov