
Sophie’s Purple Party

Late 2013, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, Sophie decided to have a Purple Party. This meant she spent an afternoon taking every single thing out of her room that wasn’t purple, filling the upstairs hallway.

You had to wear purple to attend …

and you were only allowed to eat purple treats.

We played purple games, won purple prizes, danced to purple songs and then spent the rest of the evening putting her room back together. (This mess, though, was worth it.)

“I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it.” —Alice Walker

Sorry, My Future Teenage Sons

This gem was from May. Blame Sophie.

But gosh that was a fun afternoon. A really, really, really fun afternoon.

And it’s sometimes nice to remember those fun afternoons after evenings like tonight. Evenings in which my dear, hardworking husband didn’t come home until 6:40pm and instead of finding dinner on the table found me, in bed, hiding under the duvet.

I’m sorry.

“Fashion is instant language.” —Miuccia Prada

A Playdate

First up, playing with play-doh which, ultimately,

ends up on the nose …

and the head!

Every day Sophie begs me to have her friends over.

So they can eat popcorn on the window seat.

And play fashion show/princess/dress-up on the stairs.

Sophie has so much fun at and hosting playdates … substitue Play-doh with wine and dress-up with shopping, while keeping the friends and popcorn, and I’m in.

“Little girls are cute and small only to adults. To one another they are not cute. They are life sized.” —Margaret Atwood

Wearing Wings


Sophie wanted everyone to be bugs. Or fairies. Or butterflies. Whatever it was, that particular day (it always differs), James wasn’t too pleased.

“If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing.” —Coco Chanel