guest post

Mothers Guest Post: Julie Hall

I’m so excited to introduce a new feature, titled “Mothers.” Every so often I’ll post a pictorial essay showcasing everyday life in motherhood. In part inspired by this, my hope is to provide a glimpse into the life of all mothers—mothers who spend their day at home, mothers who spend some of their day at work, mothers of young children and mothers of teenagers, mothers who are expecting and mothers who have children who are now grown, mothers who live in the United States and mothers who live in other parts of the world.

Each pictorial essay will depict a day in the life of a mom. And maybe it’s a good day. Maybe it’s bad. Maybe you spent 10 hours at work. Maybe you got two hours of sleep. Maybe you were on vacation. Maybe the kids went to school. Whatever. I just think it would be really interesting to take a peek into each other’s everyday life, in terms of motherhood, showcasing all our differences and similarities.

And that’s where YOU come in! If you’re a mother (in any sense of the word), I’d love to include you. Simply start snapping pictures the moment you wake up and keep snapping until your kids go to bed. Send me your favorites (six to 12, with captions to kara (dot) uhl (at) gmail (dot) com) and I’ll feature them as soon as I’m able to. And if you know of a mom who would be a great fit, particularly a mom who lives outside of the United States, please send her my way—I would be grateful.

And with that, I’m so pleased to present a fellow twin mama, Julie Hall. Julie and I went to high school together and she was a huge help to me when Owen and James were born. More than once she took Sophie away for an afternoon so I could dedicate my time to my newborn sons (and sleep!). Thanks, Julie. (By the way, to view the picture larger, simply click on it.) Enjoy!

I decided to take my three boys and two of their friends to Keehner Park to hike in the creek. “Wait for me before you head down the trail to the creek!”

“Try not to get too wet, I didn’t bring a change of clothes or shoes.”

I remember caring what I wore in public … before I had kids, that is.

“Don’t go too far ahead, I have to be able to see you!”

Stopping to skip rocks and look for fossils.

We passed a big group of boys on our way back, turns out they were friends from school with two moms trailing behind. I guess moms of boys know where to go for a cheap summer adventure!

Thanks again, Julie!