Festival of Lights


While Andy’s family was in town we went to Cincinnati Zoo’s Festival of Lights. It was cold, so cold that Andy and Jill—who had forgotten hats—bought new (matching!) ones at the gift shop. James, who refused to wear a hat all summer, is obsessed with this hat now, and wears it on a daily basis.


My camera’s battery died after I took the first picture, so I was unable to take more. Jill snapped this one on her iPhone. I have many fond memories of the Festival of Lights as a child. As a teenager, I’d often go with a group of friends. One such group, when I was in high school, included Andy and his girlfriend at the time—how things change.

At some point, Owen kicked off one of his shoes. Shoes are like gold in our house. They’re expensive and, as such, the boys have one pair each. We retraced our steps. Stopped at lost and found. Left our home phone number with guest services. Nothing. So Owen had a half-frozen foot that night and a new pair of shoes the next day.

Lost shoe aside, it was a nice evening and I’m so glad the kids were able to spend it with “Grandma and Paw Paw in Baltimore,” as they always call Marty and Jill.

“The outdoor Christmas lights, green and red and gold and blue and twinkling, remind me that most people are that way all year round—kind, generous, friendly and with an occasional moment of ecstasy. But Christmas is the only time they dare reveal themselves.” —Harlan Miller