We finished our drive home from vacation on a Saturday and that night a sitter arrived at our house to watch the boys (yes, it was a bit crazy). We decided Sophie was old enough to stay up late for a wedding, and she was invited, and she loves to dance, so we got her all dressed up for Ashley and Mark’s beautiful reception at the Oscar Event Center (oh, how Jungle Jim’s has changed!).
Heather and Jimmy
Corie and John
the beautiful bride
Matt and Christi
Our dancing queen—she was shy at first, but late into the evening she taught all our friends “Daisy’s Dance” and everyone was doing it on the dance floor. “Jump forward. Jump backward. March, march, march. Clap, clap, clap. S.l.i.d.e to the one side. S.l.i.d.e to the other side.” Again and again and again.
Danielle and Corie
Joe, David and John
I think he’s convincing her to smile.
Dancing is hard work. Especially when it’s past your bedtime.
Congratulations, Ashley and Mark! We had a wonderful time at your reception.
“There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company
than a good marriage.” —Martin Luther