Nini and Sophie
My grandma showed all of us some of her more treasured items, including a gold locket with her mother’s name, Zoe, engraved on it, money from Fiji my grandpa brought back from the war, and this beautiful quilt—handmade by her grandmother many years ago.
present time!
Sophie got another doll baby (so now she can practice for the two babies to arrive this spring) and a stroller, diaper bag and carrier from Great Grandma.
present time!
MaryBeth, Tammy, Josh and Sam
gag gift time!
Sophie preferred pushing her stroller to participating in the gag gift exchange. One year, many years ago, I got a tricycle for Christmas and I, too, rode it around the island in this very same kitchen.
It snowed throughout the day on the farm.
The kitchen also was fun for chase games with Pop Pop.
Sophie loved singing Christmas songs and dancing with Amanda and Autumn.
a tired Gregory and Suzanna
a reluctant-to-go-home Sophie
“The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: The presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.” —Burton Hillis