We spent Christmas Day at my mom and dad’s house.
Here Kyle’s reading his new cookbook, Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites.
Christina is untying a present tag, each of which had a note from my dad.
Katy and Tom made the delicious buckeyes this year.
Sophie wore her Christmas outfit.
Kyle, very excited about his gift membership to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Sophie was very happy, too.
She got an organic teether and two books—Vincent’s Colors and A Farmer’s Alphabet—from Katy and Tom.
Here’s Kyle, holding up the old map of Bowling Green, Ohio, we got him.
A quick family picture before Sophie’s outfit had to be changed (we were a bit negligent about changing her diaper when we first arrived).
Mom, holding her French vintage linens from Au Trousseau with “DG” embroidered onto them.
Dad, listening to Elton John sing. He got tickets to a Billy Joel and Elton John concert.
Sophie loved her first tea set (although we told her she has to wait a little while until she’s old enough to use it).
She was interested in the turkey,
the tree,
Christina and
the glass snowflakes over the dining room table.
She sat on Kyle’s lap,
made some sounds he didn’t appreciate and
then wondered why he was carrying on so much.
It was a good day.
“I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month.” —Harlan Miller